Is it difficult for a Texas REALTOR® to obtain assistance from the legal fund?

There is a formal application and certification that an applicant, or his attorney, must complete. The application is submitted to the applicant’s local association for review. 当地协会可以将申请转交给德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人法律审查委员会,2021十大正规彩票app批准申请, or it may deny the application and return it to the applicant. The Legal Review Committee, in turn, 向Texas REALTORS®董事会提出批准或拒绝申请的2021十大正规彩票app. Probably, 在申请过程中最重要的要求是,该案例必须对REALTORS®作为一个类别或整个2021十大正规彩票app行业具有重要意义.

What kind of cases or actions has the Texas REALTORS® Legal Fund been used for in the past?

Every six months, 德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®法律审查委员会审查来自德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®法律基金的申请和资金请求,以及涉及对整个2021十大正规彩票app行业产生重大影响的案件的诉讼当事人. A brief summary of three recent cases is noted below. 案例1:一个2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®被一个买家起诉,他声称经纪人没有正确地告知他该物业位于一个环境污染的地点附近. At the time of the contract, 代理人向买方提供了一份详细的书面声明(由买方签字),说明该小区居民面临的有毒危险和健康危害, since it was known that a nearby site was environmentally contaminated. REALTOR®的过失与遗漏保险公司拒绝承保,理由是索赔涉及的人身伤害不在保单范围内. The buyers originally alleged damages in excess of $30 million. The legal fund assisted the defendant in resolving the case favorably. 案例2:该协会在奥斯汀的一个案件中提交了法庭之友简报,在该案件中,一家储蓄和贷款协会对德克萨斯州的司法部长提起了诉讼, 认为联邦法规在宅基地保护方面优先于德克萨斯州宪法. 奥斯丁联邦地区法院驳回了储贷银行的要求,支持德克萨斯州宪法. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed and held that the Texas Constitution had been superseded. The case was ultimately moot as a result of Congressional action initiated by Rep. 他修改了《2021十大正规彩票app》,明确表示国会无意取代《2021十大正规彩票app》. Through the Legal Fund, the Texas REALTORS® was able to monitor and participate in the action. 案例3:2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®被买方起诉,声称代理人没有透露该物业位于洪水易发地区或该物业以前曾被洪水淹没. 买方在假设下购买了该物业,并在交易结束六个月后为留置权再融资. At the time of the purchase, flood maps for the area showed the property not to lie in a flood hazard area. About a month after closing, the flood maps were revised and included the property in a flood hazard area. 在进行再融资时,一项调查错误地指出,该物业并不位于洪水危险区域. Three years after the purchase, the property flooded and the buyers then learned that the property had previously flooded. The case proceeded to a jury which found for the defendant REALTOR®. The Legal Fund was able to assist the REALTOR® in defeating the unfounded claim.

What is the purpose of the legal fund?

The Legal Fund is used for a number of expressed purposes: 1. Helping Texas REALTORS® understand their legal rights and duties under law 2. Providing legal assistance for matters pending in court or governmental agencies 3. Defraying all or a portion of legal expenses for pending litigation in which a member is a party 4. 为协会作为法庭之友介入或提交案情摘要的案件支付法律费用. Monitoring and participating in the actions of governmental agencies 6. Reimbursing travel expenses of Texas REALTORS® who participate in form-development task forces

What is the Texas REALTORS® Legal Fund?

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人法律基金由协会通过法律审查委员会的监督来维持. 该基金仅用于经Texas REALTORS®董事会授权的目的,并且REALTORS®仅可通过正式申请流程使用该基金. 它主要用于支付对Texas REALTORS®作为一个类别或2021十大正规彩票app行业具有重要意义的案件的法律费用.

Are there any additional restrictions or limitations for access to the legal fund?

法律基金的规章制度具体规定了法律基金援助的所有申请程序和必须满足的条件. For copies of the procedures or applications, contact the Legal Affairs Department.

Is the legal fund like an errors and omissions insurance policy?

No. The legal fund is not a substitute for errors-and-omissions insurance. The Texas REALTORS® strongly encourages members to maintain E&O insurance. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®可能涉及的许多诉讼对德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®或整个2021十大正规彩票app行业并不重要. In fact, the Legal Review Committee recommends that a number of applications be denied each year.

Is the legal fund the same as the recovery fund?

No. 2021十大正规彩票app恢复基金是根据2021十大正规彩票app许可法案设立的基金,该法案由德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app委员会(管理德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人和销售人员的国家机构)维护。. 每个经纪人或销售人员的原始执照申请都要支付10美元的费用,以资助恢复基金. 赔偿基金是国家设立的消费者保护基金,用于赔偿因中间人的某些行为而遭受实际损失的受害人, salesmen, or their unlicensed employees or agents. 消费者必须满足若干法定条件,才能向追讨基金提出申索, including first obtaining a judgment against the broker or salesman that is not satisfied.

Is the legal fund ever used for purposes not directly related to REALTORS®?

Very rarely. Ultimately, 法律基金的使用是否符合基金的宗旨和意图,董事会必须作出决定. 非REALTOR®组织成员已要求TAR在不涉及REALTOR®的案件中提交法庭之友摘要. For example, 在一起涉及反垄断问题的案件中,诉讼当事人要求该协会向法院提交简报. In another case, litigants in a city-zoning dispute asked the Texas REALTORS® to file briefs with the court. After careful review, the board of directors chose not to file the requested briefs. However, 该基金已用于支付涉及宅基地问题的案件的诉讼摘要的费用(如上文所述)。, contractual issues and other issues. It has also been used to fund the filing of analyses and comments before governmental agencies. In each of these cases, the board of directors determined that there was a significance to REALTORS® as a class.